The Puzzle: perfect online collaboration game for companies

Thanks to COVID-19, our workplace feels a world apart from what it was a year ago. Most of us have swapped the office for working from home. While this can benefit productivity and force us to become more innovative, it’s negatively impacting how company employees work together.

Without seeing each other at the office every day, the sense of cohesion is missing. The usual development and team building exercises have become virtually impossible – which is where The Puzzle comes in.

The online collaboration solver game can help build relationships within your company with some healthy competition.

Why online collaboration games are good for companies right now

Right now, it seems like we are spending our lives on Microsoft Teams and Zoom meetings. Our usual office Christmas parties were all moved into the online sphere instead of visiting the pub down the road. Everything is happening in the online world, keeping us in touch but making us feel disconnected from one another. Collaboration games are a way of giving your company employees a much-needed pick me up and a way of bonding with each other and building the relationships that naturally blossom within an office. 

Are you looking for advice on running your collaboration game? You can check out our nine helpful tips.

Different types of online collaboration games

When we think of online games that a company’s employees can play together, we inevitably think of the virtual pub quiz. There are other interactive games to choose from, with escape rooms becoming the go-to choice for COVID-safe get-togethers. Whatever your colleagues are interested in, you can be sure there’s an escape room with that theme.

Why problem solving games like The Puzzle are perfect for your next company event.

The days of bonding over warm wine in a conference room are on hold until after the pandemic, forcing any company event online for the foreseeable future. The Puzzle is perfect for your next team bonding day, as an inclusive activity that everyone can get involved with. Wherever your team are in the world, you can bring them together for our problem-solving game. It’s friendly for second language speakers and is the perfect break from work by giving your colleague a fun competition.

You can have a read through the dozens of positive reviews to see how companies have been using our online collaboration game to bring their team members together. The Puzzle keeps all of your colleagues engaged in the game as they race against the clock to beat their competition.

Getting started with The Puzzle online game.

Getting started with The Puzzle couldn’t be easier. Our team solver game is an hour-long, ideal for the end of the workday. The Puzzle comprises ten individual puzzle questions, with one overarching master puzzle for you to solve. Your company’s employees will have to come together to use their problem-solving skills and initiative to piece the puzzle together.

The Puzzle works for any group size, and we recommend keeping teams to four or five members. You can book a facilitated online game or choose to use the DIY option. If your company has more than 50 employees, get in touch with us for a quote. 


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